MVP079: The State Of The Games Industry

MVP079: The State Of The Games Industry

2018 has been an interesting year for the games industry. We’ve seen a glut of excellent board games hit the market and more mainstream adoption of the gaming hobby by the ‘mundanes’ as John Coviello would say, but we’ve also had to deal with...
My 2019 Goals For Manaverse Saga

My 2019 Goals For Manaverse Saga

Making your goals public drastically increases the odds of you actually accomplishing them. It also helps to have something great in your life to work towards. It doesn’t have to be grandiose and world changing, it just has to encompass more than just the day to...
MVP078: The Death Of Magic Online

MVP078: The Death Of Magic Online

The days of Magic Online are numbered, at least in its current form. The question we explore today is “Will Wizard’s of the Coast shut down Magic Online?” and how will this affect local game store owners. The short answer is “yes”, the...