For those who haven’t heard the tale, Pat’s Games was robbed a little over three years ago and the bad guys made off with over $60,000 worth of high value Magic cards. The story of the burglary went far and wide, ending up on magazines and news stories all around North America.

Well, three years later Pat Johnson has emerged victorious in her court case and is now on the podcast to talk about what happened, how we got here, and what fellow store owners and Magic players can do to protect themselves. If you want to own a little piece of Magic history and support a good cause, Pat is selling the recovered cards at a nice discount and the money is going to be donated to a charity for MS. Click here to check out the Pat’s Games website and find out what’s available.


Story recap

  • What happened three years ago
  • What was stolen
  • Media coverage of the theft

The court case

  • Chronology of events, the arrest, the trial
  • Key people involved in the case
  • Some of the obstacles that Pat encountered over the past three years
  • The villain’s behaviour before and during the case

How other store owners can protect themselves

To get a reach out to Pat Johnson you can find her on Facebook and on Pat would also like to specially thank and mention her lawyer Brian McConnell, Brian had to put in a considerable amount of time learning how to play Magic and the way the Magic market works. If you need a lawyer that’s also fluent in Magic lingo, Brian is likely your man. 

Another important shout out is to Card Kingdom, who were crucial to the final outcome of the case. With Card Kingdom raising the red flag the bad guys may never have been caught so kudos to them.

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