This is the third episode in the series where we’re exploring the question “If a game store wants to grow their game store business today, what should they do?” 
If you haven’t listened to the previous episodes of this series, I recommend you go and do that before diving into this one. You can find episode 062 Marketing Your Game Store by going to And episode 063, How To Craft An Exceptional Experience by going to
WooWoo warning, we’re talking about personal development today and many people may find the subject a little out there. Too many gurus have made the idea of bettering yourself sound like a fad, something new age. Some people associate mindset with energy crystals. This isn’t what we’re going to talk about today, we’re going to talk about how your business’s success and your overall success in life depends on you. We’re going to start from the negative side of things and work our way up to the positive side and wrap it up in a nice little metaphor that I’m sure you’ll be able to appreciate as listeners of this show.
Limiting Beliefs and Self Doubt
  • Your beliefs determine what you are capable of, you are your limits.
  • What you believe about yourself and the world is your operating system.
  • How negative self-talk holds you back.
  • It’s important you enunciate your beliefs, write them down or say them out loud (affirmations).
  • You can either have a scarcity mindset or an abundance mindset.
  • Limiting beliefs manifest as anxiety and tension, often accompanied by physical sensations in certain areas of the body.
Invest in Education
  • Being a better person is about growth and learning, new perspectives, new ways of doing things.
  • Synthesis is the creation of something new by breaking down disparate components and putting them back together in novel ways.
  • Read fiction and nonfiction, history and science, philosophy and business. 
  • Mentors are a shortcut and can be found anywhere, they don’t even have to be alive.
  • Learn from the mistakes of others.
Peer Group
  • You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Increase your average.
  • We can discover new things about ourselves by teaching others.
  • Look for people that are on the same path as you, this doesn’t necessarily mean the same beliefs or industry.
  • Masterminds are formally organized groups of peers that have similar goals, usually growing a business and personally.
  • The right team is more than the sum of it’s parts. You may be able to individually achieve 100%, but if you’re teamed with someone else who also achieves 100%, the combined results are often 250%, not just 200%.
Start With Why
  • The Golden circle: Why, How, What. Every organization knows what they do, most know how they do it (USP, the competitive edge), but very few know why they do it. Not Profits, profits are the result. A good example is Apple.
  • Most businesses operate from the outside in, you should go inside out. 
  • People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it. Talk about what you believe and attract those that believe the same. What you do is the proof of what you believe.
  • The golden circle idea is rooted in biology, we make decisions with our limbic brain not the neocortex, the area responsible for language. 
  • Early adopters are the ones who are driven by what they believe if you want to have success in business and reach the early majority you have to Cross the Chasm and convince the early adopters.
  • Leaders hold a position of power or authority, those who lead inspire.
  • So what is your message? Check out episode MVP060 with Lyn Potyen of the GameBoard or MVP061 with Darcy Leech of MindSculpt Games to get a good idea of what it means to run a business from your why.
Play the game
  • My personal philosophy. Treat life like a game, play to win. You are the hero of your own personal story. As gamers we have no problem figuring out the intricacies of our hobby in order to succeed, we even revel in it. We train our characters, build our collections, and max out our stats. We figure out the best strategies to build a team and overcome the boss, take down the metagame, and reap the rewards. Do the same with your life. Figure out what drives you, what’s important to you and then play to win.

Resources mentioned:

The War of Art by Steven Pressfield


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