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In today’s episode of the Manaverse Podcast, our special guest is the most excellent Lynn Potyen.

Lynn is the owner of the The GameBoard in Sheboygan, WI and in the words of the Geek and Sundry article she was recently featured on: “She is a pioneer in many ways for retailers in the tabletop industry and is a paragon for the kind of good a friendly local gaming store can do for a community beyond its store walls.”

She’s been elected to three terms to the GAMA Board of Retailers, in addition to sitting on the business advisory board for RCS Empowers. Today we’re going to talk about how Lynn built up The GameBoard into the business it is today and go into how playing games can be more than just about having fun, they can also keep your brain healthy. 

We also explore the Rental Model that Lynn pioneered in her business and how it can impact the success of game store owners everywhere.

About The GameBoard

The GameBoard has been in business since 2006. The store is constantly evolving, be it through a selection of new games on the store shelf or out in the community- testing out the latest in brain training education.

Lynn Potyen is the sole owner of The GameBoard. Lynn loves people and games and she brings the two together harmoniously. She has successfully built a safe “community” for all ages in Sheboygan through her store. Besides running the store she travels the nation speaking at many conferences about brain games and building community. She is the founder of the GAMA community orientation program, creator of the Rental Model and is currently an elected 3rd term Board Member of the Game Manufacturers Association.  Lynn is currently serving on the task force creating a Dementia Friendly Sheboygan County.

Main questions asked:

  • How did you get into gaming and the game business?
  • How can games help improve the mental health of the people who play them?
  • How does your board game rental program work?
  • What is one of the biggest mistakes you’ve made in your business?
  • What does success mean to you? (Possibly one of the best answers ever given on the show, seriously)

Resources mentioned:

Connect with Lynn and The GameBoard:





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