wizards lawsuit

The Wizards Lawsuit

In today’s episode of the Manaverse Podcast Tom, Wayne and John discuss the details and ramifications of the recent announcement that WotC is being sued by four judges in California. The class action lawsuit claims that MTG judges have acted as Wizards employees in their capacity as judges. 

We explore how the wizards lawsuit could impact the community from a game store owner’s perspective as well as the potential fallout for players of the game. It’s a sticky situation for everyone involved and players and community organizers alike should be paying attention to how the Wizards lawsuit shakes out.

If you’re operating a game store in the United States or Canada and have volunteers working for your business, this episode is one you won’t want to miss.


The wizards lawsuit reaction

The Reddit thread

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Tom Traplin @tomtraplin

Wayne Mittlesteadt @dueling_grounds

John Coviello @shopofmagic

Travis Parry @thenerdstore

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