Welcome to the first edition of the Manaverse Podcast round table!

In addition to the usual one on one interviews that you know and love, I’ve brought on a cavalcade of courageous co-hosts, a torrent of talent, an avalanche of entrepreneurial spirits, just for your erudition and entertainment. Every other episode of the show will feature my esteemed co-hosts and I and we will be dissecting and exploring a particular topic within the games industry.

For this episode I am joined by (in no particular order):

John Coviello, the owner of Little Shop of Magic in Las Vegas. Featured guest of the Manaverse Podcast, MVP015.

Wayne Mittlestaedt, the owner of Dueling Grounds in Toronto. Also a past guest of the show, MVP017.

Travis Parry, the owner of The Nerd Store in Greeley, Colorado. Not yet a featured guest of the show, that one is in the works.

Today’s topic was the recent GAMA Trade Show, also known as GTS. John and Travis made the trip this year and have returned to share their key takeaways and insights. We dive deep on what makes GAMA worth the time and effort to make it out to Las Vegas each year and if you haven’t been to show, this episode may just convince you to make the journey.

We also touch on the announcement at GAMA from TCG Player about the update to their Direct program, the impact of the new changes and what the buylist could mean for the local game stores that want to get involved.

Let’s be friends, follow the guys on Twitter for more info on what everyone is working on.




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