kw vintage games

KW Vintage Games – from retro to cardboard

Joaquim Mendes is quite the character. 

Our guest today is the owner of one of the most unique shops in Kitchener, Ontario. Within the walls of his relatively small store is virtually any retro video game or Magic card you might want. It resembles the Room of Requirement in a lot of ways and Joaquim’s customers love it that way.

KW Vintage Games is the shop we’re talking about in this episode of the Manaverse Podcast and we run the gamut.

From starting out with retro games and the exceptional opening week to moving into Magic to shore up the slow periods of the year, KW Vintage Games has evolved over the last three years. Joaquim’s unique personality and approach to running a business has made his shop a major player in the local community

The topics for this episode include:

  • How the law of reciprocation can be a powerful way to keep customers coming back
  • The resurgence of Nintendo
  • Magic pricing theory (more exciting than it sounds)
  • Why you might want to make friends with your customers
  • Strategies Joaquim has tried to reach new customers, what worked and what didn’t

Follow KW Vintage Games on Facebook and say hello to Joaquim Mendes. If you have a hankering for some sweet retro video games or virtually any Magic card, Joaquim will definitely hook you up. 

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