face to face

Face to Face Toronto – The Duelist

Welcome to part 2 of the Kelly Ackerman/Face To Face Toronto interview. Today Kelly and I talk about the big mistakes, the big wins, and a bunch of tools and resources you can use to build an awesome game store. Get ready to get to know the duelist in this episode.

The topics for this episode include:

  • The biggest mistakes Kelly made early on
  • The biggest victories
  • Kelly’s favourite customers, the good, the bad, and the bizarre
  • Tips on running a great tournament
  • Sweet tools and excellent resources Kelly uses to run the shop

Check out Facetofacegames.com or go to the Face To Face Toronto Facebook and Twitter pages to get the lowdown on what Kelly is up to. If you haven’t yet heard part 1 of the interview with Kelly Ackerman, you should check that out first.

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