Welcome to the 30th episode of the Manaverse Podcast. I’ve got a great show for you today, our featured guest is the creative content manager for one of the premier LGSs in North America. Perhaps you’ve heard of them, Card Kingdom and Mox Boarding House. That’s right, we’re going to dig into the promotions and marketing strategies of two of the most well known game stores in existence today. Jordan Short will be our guide as we explore the tips and tricks for getting more customers, making more sales, and shipping more product. 

I think one of the best things to keep in mind as your listening to this episode is that Card Kingdom started off just like nearly every other LGS. There weren’t the well polished and premium level shop they are today in the beginning. The brothers started off small and with hard work and excellent customer service, grew into the amazing shop you can visit today, and I definitely recommend you do. The private rooms alone could be worth the trip to Seattle. 

If you’ve been wondering how to amplify your LGS and get a handle on marketing this year, this is a great episode to pay attention to. There’s a lot to learn when it comes to using the internet to build your business, but Jordan breaks it down and makes it tactical. It’s an excellent intro into the world of internet marketing, with a little bit Magic chit chat thrown in in the middle. That’s enough intro though I’ll let Jordan take it from here.

During this episode we also talk about:

  • The role of a creative content manager
  • Why building an email list could be one of the best things you can do
  • Figure out how and what to promote
  • The humble beginnings of Card Kingdom
  • Why you should engage customers and ask questions
  • How Twitch.tv can grow your event turnouts

The resources mentioned during the show:

Check out Card Kingdom on Facebook, Twitter, and the web and then check out the new kid on the block, Mox Boarding House. Facebook, Twitter, and the web.

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