Today’s episode of the Manaverse Podcast features a woman whose store is literally a castle. Pat Johnson comes on the show to talk about her aptly named store Pat’s Games. Pat has a fairly unique business. Most local game stores put a lot of emphasis on the games part of the LGS acronym but Pat took her store in a more focused direction. Pat’s Games is specialized exclusively on Magic and she’s crushing it.

We talk about how Pat’s Games went from Beanie Babies to Magic powerhouse in Austin over the last 19 years as well as the evolution of the store property itself. In addition to Pat’s fascinating story we go over building a Magic community, how custom software can change the way you do business, how to run massive Magic tournaments effectively, choosing a USP for your store, and so much more.

If you want insight into one of the most successful Magic businesses in the southern US, this episode is one you should absolutely check out.

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