In this episode, we chat with Dan Hoffman. He’s the owner of Canton Games in Baltimore, Maryland. If you are working in a job that you don’t like, this episode may just convince you to try your hand at running a game store. Dan gives a bunch of compelling reasons why running your own LGS is one of the best jobs in the world. It’s hard work and comes with all the usual roller coaster elements of being an entrepreneur but is also deeply rewarding and at the end of the day, you get play games at work with people who give you money.

In this episode we talk about:

  • Discounting your products
  • The difference between selling online and offline
  • Growing a community organically and with advertising
  • Why you should avoid relying on Facebook and Yelp

When you’re done this episode, check out MVP000 and MVP001 if you haven’t already.

If you liked this interview with Dan, I want you to do me a favour. First, leave a comment down below and tell me what you think about the show. Next, subscribe to the show on iTunes. While you’re there a five-star rating and review would be really appreciated. Finally, if you’re in Baltimore go visit Dan at Canton Games and tell him Tom sent you.

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