Michael has a history with games, an affinity you could say. From game design to retail to publishing, Michael has had experience with nearly every aspect of the industry and offers his insights into what makes a great game and a great game store.

During this episode we go over:

  • Tools of the trade
  • Finding seed money
  • Planning for future growth
  • Working with your competitors
  • Integrating the internet into your plan for your business right from the start
  • VIP programs
  • Dealing with counterfeit cards

Links and resources mentioned during the show:

It’s still a bad idea to record a podcast if you have a cold but some days you just have to persevere. Don’t forget to check out Universe Games on Facebook and Twitter. Next time on the Manaverse Podcast, we’ve got a special episode coming out Sunday, March 22rd. Episode 004.5 features Eric Freytag, the founder of PucaTrade.com.

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