The days of Magic Online are numbered, at least in its current form. The question we explore today is “Will Wizard’s of the Coast shut down Magic Online?” and how will this affect local game store owners.

The short answer is “yes”, the long answer is “it’s complicated.”

We talk about the impact of Wizard’s announcement of MTG Arena and their stated intent to maintain both Magic Online and Arena at the same time and why in the long run that’s essentially impossible.

We also go into the economy of Magic Online and the future value of the collections people have invested their money into over the last 10+ years as well as the potential future niche Magic Online could potentially fill.

By all accounts MTG Arena is already orders of magnitude more successful than Magic Online has ever been and it’s only been a short few weeks since the open Beta has been made available to the general public. MTG Arena is here to stay, the good news is that is probably an improvement for local game store owners and casual players alike.

Listen to past episodes of the podcast where we discuss Magic Digital Next and the future of Magic as an eSport: MVP044: Round Table – Will Magic Digital Next Make Magic an E-Sport

Article: MTG Arena Is Killing Magic Online by Florian Koch

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