Magic Digital Next

Is Magic Digital Next Wizard’s Answer To Hearthstone?

In this round table episode of the Manaverse Podcast Tom, Wayne and John discuss the future of Magic: the Gathering. We also discuss how it may impact local game stores. With Wizard’s announcement of Magic Digital Next and the declaration that Magic is in the top 5 of E-sports, it appears that Wotc is trying to make some bold moves to keep it’s current momentum going. With Hearthstone dominating the digital card game market in a matter of years, it’s seems hard to believe that the Magic Pro Tour of Magic Online could ever be a contender when it comes to streaming and growing an audience. Yet, that what Wizards hopes to accomplish with Magic Digital Next.

Magic Digital Next Blueprint

During the show we speculate on what Magic Digital Next will look like and how it will operate since details are scant at the moment. We also talk about how it might fit into the current Magic/retailer ecosystem that exists today. Will Magic Digital Next help game stores the way Duels of the Planeswalkers did, or will it draw away customers similar to Magic Online?

Magic Brands

We also discuss an article recently released on the Daily Dot, The Problem With Magic No One Is Talking About and challenge some of the authors contentions about local game stores and their function within the Magic economy.

Listener Question: What do you think Magic Digital Next will look like and how will it impact the business of selling cards? Let us know in the comments down below!


The Problem With Magic No One Is Talking About

Hasbro’s Investor Announcement about Magic Digital Next

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Tom Traplin @tomtraplin

Wayne Mittlesteadt @dueling_grounds

John Coviello @shopofmagic

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