Today’s episode of the Manaverse Podcast is part two of the Steve Ellis interview and yes, that’s a time travelling DeLorean in the feature image. Steve is the co-owner of Rainy Day Games in Aloha, Oregon in case you missed the first part, and if you have you should really check it out. The link is right here.

In this half, we dive deep into consulting for the games industry, including design, development, and publishing. We also go over optimizing your event space and getting a shop booked solid.

During this episode we also talk about:

  • Royalties vs. upfront contracts
  • How overnight success in the game business doesn’t actually exist
  • The perpetual battle between retailers and game distributors
  • How to pick the winners, the games that fly off your shelf
  • How to promote games that don’t automatically fly off your shelf
  • Game demos, the board game retailer’s secret weapon

Check out Rainy Day Games on Facebook, Twitter, and the web and say hi to Steve. Let him know you heard him on the Manaverse Podcast.

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